The Angels invite you to the Field of Dreams for a BBNSW Level 2 Coaching Course – book in early to avoid disappointment.

The Level 2 course is for entry level player pitch baseball and above (LL Rookie Live and above).

This course is being conducted at Auluba Oval, Cnr Vernon Street and Kissing Point Road, South Turramurra, on Sunday, 10th September, 2017, starting at 8.30am and finishing at 5.30pm

Participants must meet the following course requirements.

  • Minimum age to attend is 16.
  • Complete the Australian Sports Commission’s Community Coaching General Principles online course and bring a copy of the certificate with them on the day of the course. Please note that the old Beginning Coaching General Principles Course is now outdated and no longer acceptable. link
  • Obtain a Working With Children Check registration and provide the WWC number Participants coaching anyone under the age of 18 must have a current WWC registration – participants under the age of 18 are exempt. Link:
  • Read the Level 2 Coaching Manual and assessable competencies as you will be assessed on information from these resources. Link: scrolldown until you reach the Essential requirements and click on the highlighted Level Two.

Registrations close at 9am on Sunday, 3rd September, 2017

Baseball NSW reserves the right to apply a cancellation fee of $25