To ALL RHBL members including parents, players, coaches, umpires and club officials,

The RHBL board has implemented a RHBL Members Protection Policy [MPP] document for the benefit of all members.

This document is to be used as a guide by any member on how to best resolve a grievance, concern or issue that you may have with any official or person within RHBL. In the case of a dispute, suspected child abuse or inappropriate behaviour, you should seek guidance from your clubs MPIO or contact RHBL’s MPIO, Spencer Howay 0477 383 363.

Please note that RHBL Codes of Conduct are consistent with and do not conflict with BNSW and BA Codes.

A Member Protection Information Officer [MPIO] is someone trained to be the first point of contact within sporting organisations for any person considering making a complaint under the Member Protection Policy. MPIOs provide confidential, impartial and timely information and support. They act as a sounding board and provide information about the local complaint resolution options available to address the individual’s concerns. MPIO’s may also be called up to provide advice to club administrators or complaint officers regarding the Member Protection Policy and associated laws. MPIOs are not advocates but they may elect to accompany complainants, if requested, to talk with someone else.

A Complaints Officer is a nominated person within the club or association delegated to deal with complaints. People wishing to lodge a complaint would be directed to this person. A Complaints Officer is authorised to investigate and act on complaints without consulting the committee, although they will report back to the committee on a need-to-know basis about the incident, any actions they’ve taken and the results.